Duration: 01/01/2025–31/12/2029 (60 months).
One of the most meaningful theorem in computer science is due to Rice, in 1953:
Theorem. Any non-trivial question on the behavior of programs is undecidable.
What is striking about this statement is its generality: it holds for any non-trivial question.
Furthermore, trivial questions are answered by one of two trivial programs
(either returning always “yes”, or returning always “no”),
hence the dichotomy is both sharp and deep.
This brings its interpretation to an epistemological ground regarding the powers and limits
of algorithmic problem solving (i.e., by means of a computer, which is nowadays ubiquitous).
Attaining this level of generality is the guiding principle of our project ALARICE
— to obtain results “à la Rice”.
Rice’s theorem belongs to the field of computability theory, and we aim to bring its spirit to the field of complexity theory, which is another fundamental pillar of computer science. This shift towards the decidable world is motivated by the objects under consideration, finite dynamical systems, where virtually any question is decidable via a naive exhaustive search. As a consequence, the formulation of Rice-like results consists in general (lower and upper) bounds of computational complexity. The discrete dynamical systems at stake are defined by “simple” local rules, and readily show “complex” global behaviors. They are informally referred to as “complex systems”, and we endorse that the computational complexity point of view provides a theoretical framework to formalize this common intuition.
ALARICE is composed of three Objectives.
1) Develop a novel combination of techniques based on
the expressiveness of finite model theory,
which allows to prove metatheorems, provided a correct definition of non-triviality.
2) Adopt a systematic complexity point of view approach on all facets of automata network theory,
aimed at gaining legible knowledge towards the implementation of vaster metatheorem proof techniques.
3) Transfer the results to other models of computation, such as finite cellular automata and reaction systems,
through the reconsideration of simulations in the unifying framework of reductions,
and reach an understanding of the complexity of finite dynamical systems as abstract and broad as possible.
Partner 1 (Marseille, coord. LIS):
- Chalopin Jérémie (DR CNRS LIS/DALGO)
- Defrain Oscar (MCF LIS/ACRO)
- Goubault–Larrecq Aliénor (PhD LIS/CANA)
- Guillon Pierre (CR CNRS I2M)
- Monmege Benjamin (MCF LIS/MOVE)
- Ohlmann Pierre (CR CNRS LIS/MOVE)
- Perrot Kévin (MCF LIS/CANA, leader)
- Porreca Antonio E. (MCF LIS/CANA)
- Rolland Marius (PhD LIS/CANA)
- Sené Sylvain (PU LIS/CANA)
- Tapin Léah (PhD LIS/CANA)
- Theyssier Guillaume (CR CNRS I2M)
Partner 2 (Nice+, coord. I3S):
- Bridoux Florian (CR CNRS I3S, Nice)
- Durbec Amélia (Postdoc Junia, Lille)
- Gamard Guilhem (MCF Loria, Nancy)
- Richard Adrien (MCF I3S, Nice, leader)
- Riva Sara (MCF CRISTAL, Lille)
- Agence Nationale de la Recherche
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
- Inria
- Laboratoire d’Informatique et des Systèmes
- Aix Marseille Université
- Laboratoire d’Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis
- Université Côte d’Azur
- Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille
- Laboratoire lorrain de Recherche en Informatique et ses Applications
- Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille
2025-07-30 (1 week)
AUTOMATA-WAN-2025 takes place in Lille, CRIStAL. -
2025-03-11 (2 days)
ALARICE kickoff meeting at CIRM, Marseille Luminy. -
« Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer qu’à l’issue du processus d’évaluation de l’AAPG2024, votre projet ALARICE a été sélectionné pour financement. Signé l’ANR. »
Perrot, Kévin, Sylvain Sené, and Léah Tapin. “Foundations of Block-Parallel Automata Networks.” Preprint, 2025.
Porreca, Antonio E., and Marius Rolland. “Injectivity of Polynomials over Finite Discrete Dynamical Systems.” Preprint, 2025.
Doré, François, Kévin Perrot, Antonio E. Porreca, Sara Riva, and Marius Rolland. “Roots in the Semiring of Finite Deterministic Dynamical Systems.” Preprint, 2025.
2024 Goubault–Larrecq, Aliénor, and Kévin Perrot. “Rice-like Complexity Lower Bounds for Boolean and Uniform Automata Networks.” Preprint, 2024. arXiv-link
2023 Gamard, Guilhem, Pierre Guillon, Kevin Perrot, and Guillaume Theyssier. “Hardness of Monadic Second-Order Formulae over Succinct Graphs.” Preprint, 2023. HAL-link arXiv-link
2021 Gamard, Guilhem, Pierre Guillon, Kévin Perrot, and Guillaume Theyssier. “Rice-like Theorem for Automata Networks.” In Proceedings of STACS’21, 187:32:1–32:17. LIPIcs. Schloss Dagstuhl, 2021. DOI-link PDF-link
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